How many times have you heard in life the phrase I can’t, both, from people in your environment and yourself? I may say too many. Moreover, we “clever” humans tend to use language in such a way, that the responsibility of our actions falls on someone or something else. The bus was late, there was traffic, the server was old, the glass broke, it’s the battery of my car’s fault, the weather is awful, my boss is bad, my ex was stupid… and so on. I couldn’t, I can’t, I won’t be able to…

You either lazy or you don’t give a f**k

I am sorry to tell you, but there is no such thing as I can’t. Leaving outside things we cannot really control such as natural disasters, the past, terminal illnesses, time or what other people think say or do, most of the things you achieve in life depend on two things: how much effort you are putting in or how much you care.

Let’s be honest, most of the thinks you didn’t manage to do in your life are a result of not caring or trying enough. Both mean that you didn’t want it bad enough, and that’s OK. Alternatives will be always a click or a mile away, as well as easier ways, easier things and easier people to handle. But don’t tell yourself you can’t, be honest to yourself because even if you don’t, life will bring it in front of you in one way or another.

To try and to fear

The phrase “I can’t” becomes an even larger chunk of silly pieces of poop, when you haven’t tried. Seriously, how can you know you can’t do something before you even try it? Until the day we are able to travel through wormholes or the universe contracts, we are unable to see the future, so move that butt.

Fear of failing is one common reason not to try. Because he who never fought, never lost. However, failure is acceptable and can be a topic of conversation, optimization and future planning of actions. Trying and failing, and trying again and failing again and trying again… also depends on how much you want something. But at least trying is action, it is progress and it is something you can be proud of doing.

Ops, I did it again…

Mistakes on the other hand differ from failure. A mistake done twice is not a mistake, it is a decision. Be brave and accept that this is your decision, or be brave and do whatever it takes to change it. Stay focused and strong, and give the appropriate attention in order not to repeat the same mistakes. Get the tools, find the people, acquire help and just do it!

Finally, don’t forget to tap yourself on the back when you do a good job! Don’t be too strict with yourself, but do not settle. The past is in the past, stop thinking about it, it can only make you feel sad. The future is not yet to come, stop thinking about it, it will only make you feel stressed. All you have is now!

I didn’t…

And if you didn’t do something, well that is something already in the past. There are cases and situations that are above our abilities, I admit that. But deep down, it doesn’t really matter what happens to you, because life will continue throwing stuff at you. What matters to you, your happiness and the people around you is how you react to those situations. And, deep inside us, we all have that tiny little voice that never fails to remind us if  what we are doing is right or wrong. It’s your decision to listen to that voice or not, because it’s all about you!

“Quit, don’t quit? Noodles, don’t noodles? You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present.”