The Phoenix is the ancient history of many civilizations was a unique mythological bird with the ability to reborn from its ashes. When Phoenix’s end approached its whole body would be set on fire, and consumed by the flames it would turn into ashes. From the ashes something magical would happen, a new Phoenix would miraculously reborn, younger, stronger and prouder.

New life

No matter how bad things have been, no matter how dark your life might seemed or still seems, you always have a chance to start over. Sorry, my mistake: You always have a choice to start over.

You might feel like your mind heart and body are on fire and that you are giving up the safety of your comfort zone to painfully walk on an unknown demanding path. However, out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens, and as the Phoenix, you need to burn the pages of the past into a show of flames, in order to reborn.

The phoenix eventually became the symbol of renaissance. It represents the new life that follows after a total disaster and the ability of a human to come out of painful situations, much much stronger. Sometimes, you need to go through hell to get to heaven.

“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ché la diritta via era smarrita.”

But like Dante, at the end you will reach heaven and “l’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle”.


Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “To be born again

  1. Sometimes you feel like the brightest colors are black and white, but you need a huge willing to stand at your own feet and delete everything. It’s not easy…

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